Eurobodalla’s new Household Waste and Recycling Guide 2019-20 is being delivered to households across the shire right now.The guide provides the information residents need about household bin collection, helpful hints on recycling, and outlines which items are accepted free at Council’s waste facilities. Included with the guide is a waste and recycling insert with a calendar of collection dates – including hard waste and chemical collection dates – and the actions residents can take for an A-Z list of waste types. There’s also terrific tips on avoiding single-use items, reducing general waste and managing food waste.Your guide will arrive over the next few weeks. If you don’t receive a copy in your mailbox by the end of June, or you would like to discuss any waste and recycling matters in the Eurobodalla, give Council’s waste services team a call on 4474 1024.

Above: GOOD READ: Council’s waste officer Tom Brown checks out the new Eurobodalla Household Waste and Recycling Guide, which is being delivered to households across the shire.