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How will the ‘rise of the machines’ transform jobs in our region?

Writer's picture: The BeagleThe Beagle

How secure is your job - what are the trends in employment The newly released Regional Job Automation Pack includes a new Job Vulnerability data tool, a list of occupations and vulnerability ratings.

To help regions prepare for the work force of the future, the RAI has put together a Regional Job Automation Pack to provide local leaders and decision makers with the information they need to identify key problem areas and start developing responses to maximise opportunities and minimise, or eliminate, potential barriers. The Pack includes: A Job Vulnerability Data Tool (view the video tutorial above and explore the Data Tool HERE) providing information on the proportion of jobs at low, moderate and high risk of vulnerability to automation by Local Government Area (LGA); An Occupations List arranging professions from least vulnerable to most vulnerable, allowing regions to identify the mix of jobs in their labour market and assess overall vulnerability; Regional communities now have access to information that shows which jobs are likely to change due to automation - specific to their own workforce - following the release of new data from the Regional Australia Institute (RAI).

The RAI’s latest work identifies medical practitioners, nurses and school teachers as just some of the occupations least likely to be affected – and it urges regional leaders to use the new information to help them prepare for the workforce of the future.

RAI CEO Jack Archer says while it is true some jobs will be lost or dramatically changed due to automation, many new jobs will be created in the process and now is the time to start preparing their communities.

“It’s the first time leaders have insights at their fingertips that are both practical and useful in helping them consider the issues in their community,” Jack Archer said.

“Our latest research shows that 22 percent of jobs nationally are highly vulnerable to automation, which is considerably less than previous forecasts of 44 percent,” Mr Archer said.

Read the RAI’s latest paper – Job Vulnerability in Australia.

The Regional Job Automation Pack is the first release from the RAI’s Future of Regional Jobs Inquiry Program. Further work over coming months will build on this knowledge, providing regions with more information about job creation opportunities in regional Australia.

“Some regional areas are more susceptible to automation than others, and each region also has a unique set of strengths and weaknesses to deal with the changing nature of work,” Mr Archer said.

“Heartland regions have the lowest percentage of highly vulnerable jobs, but are often less able to adapt to new technologies due to lack of necessary infrastructure and expertise.

Regional cities, on the other hand, have the greatest proportion of jobs highly vulnerable to automation. However, regional cities have an advantage in managing change as they are better placed when it comes to availability of technological infrastructure and professionals.

“Our research demonstrates regional cities have the capacity to transform more readily due to their increased level of innovation, entrepreneurial skills, technological readiness and a capable local education sector to help them adapt,” Mr Archer said.

“While there are less highly vulnerable jobs in rural areas, it may be more difficult for these areas to respond unless there are changes to local education services and engagement.

“What this information emphasises is that as the workforce structure changes in regional Australia, communities need to be looking at how they will build local skills and new businesses that align to the job demands of the future.

“Centralised policy responses by government are unlikely to deal with the unique challenges each community will face,” Jack Archer concluded.

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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