Community asked to comment on Durras Lake boat ramp plans Community feedback is sought on draft plans to upgrade the Durras Lake boat ramp and car park. Council has worked closely with the Durras community to design the upgrade, which will improve safety and stop the car park flooding when the lake level is high. The plans recommend the boat ramp be replaced with one of similar size and designed for access at low water levels. The proposed new car park spans the existing informal parking area and includes 21 spaces, eight of these for boat trailers and one accessible car park, as well as new drainage, kerb and guttering. The level of the car park would be raised to provide year-round access, and a low retaining wall around the edge will contain the car park fill and prevent erosion and run-off into the lake. A 1.5m-wide concrete path is also planned to adjoin the boat ramp on the western side to provide kayak, pram and wheelchair access to the water's edge. Once the boat ramp and car park are complete, a new toilet block with accessible amenities will be built on the eastern edge of the car park. Council has allocated funding toward the works in 2016-17 and 2017-18 and is seeking a matching contribution from the NSW Government under the Boating Now program to allow the project to proceed. Council has used the same funding model to rebuild Moruya town wharf, Tomakin boat ramp, Apex Park boat ramp at Narooma and Hanging Rock boat ramp in Batemans Bay. The plans are on exhibition for community comment until 10 January 2017 via Council’s website at All property owners and residents of South Durras have been sent a copy of the draft plan and invited to comment.
How to give your feedback: To make a submission during the exhibition period, you can: write a letter addressed to:The General Manager PO Box 99 Moruya NSW 2537 or email or use Council's online feedback form