The Bega Circularity Centre is a planned multi-purpose community facility that will be located on the northern access to Bega township.
The facility will be the public face of the Bega Circular Valley, showcasing local products, programs, technology use and community history.
It will incorporate a visitors centre, a local providore, AgTech and business innovation hub, Indigenous cultural information and the home of the circular economy concept.
Bega Cheese has set aside land for the site and plans are being developed to reflect the inputs gained from the National Design Challenge run by Australian Design Council on the purpose and use of the Bega Circularity Centre.
The NSW Government's $14 million grant for the project comes from the Regional Tourism Activation Fund - Round 2 that supports the development of high impact tourism infrastructure projects that is hoped to increase visitation, expenditure and extend length of stay for visitors to regional NSW. The Bega Valley Shire Council was also successful in being granted $8m for the renewal of the Merimbula boardwalk that had fallen into disrepair Along with the allocation of a further $2.934m for the Monaroo-Bobberrer Gudu Keeping Place in Jigamy. The funding is not based on any "gift giving" by NSW politicians as might be suggested with visitations of current NSW State politicians visiting the area to make "announcements" while taking the media opportunity to endorse and promote their Liberal candidate. All credit for the funding should go to those who did the hard work of writing grant applications that were assessed against 67 applicants in all resulting in just 30 projects being funded, mostly local councils and Aboriginal Land Councils. Applications were supported by Bega Councillors and by the Member for Bega, Dr Michael Holland who offered his own formal letter of support in appreciation of the overall benefit the three
proposals would provide to the local community.