The Far South Coast Branch of Surf Life Saving branch congratulates all the nominees and winners listed below in the 2020 Awards of Excellence after what was a very challenging season with bushfires, and COVID-19. ***Services Team of the Year: AWARDED TO:
Batemans Bay SLSC – Anthony Bellette, Kate Fetterplace, Pete Fetterplace, Ali Ryan, Jess Guthrie, Tayla Wallace, Karen Wallace, Lexus Knight
The team at Batemans Bay SLSC stepped up in a big way to assist their community during the New Year’s Eve bushfire emergency. With Malua Bay cut off and under direct threat the team sheltered people, provided food and first aid support to over 1,500 people. The clubhouse continued to be used as a community hub for the next 10 days.
Broulee Surfers SLSC – Andrew Edmunds, Stan Wall, Natalie Browning, John Edmunds, Steve Moore, Ollie Sumner-Potts, Keegan Spellacy, Jackson Maloney, Dave Hogden, Jeff Dunne, Claire Forbes, Ted Pettigrove, Gab Smith, Rob Wildman, Skye Wildman, Matt Hammond, Michael Chew, Arusha Chew, Sierra Chew, Helen O’Dell, Jason Domeny and Julianne Domeny
When the New Year’s Eve bushfire hit the town of Broulee, members of the surf club joined police and lifeguards in helping to keep their community members safe. They drove the streets and door- knocked to evacuate residents and provided first aid and other support to the 1,000 plus people who took to the beach at Broulee for safety.
Pambula SLSC – Andrew Love, Christopher Love, Miep Krechting, Miep, Andrew and Christopher embody the volunteer ethos of serving their community. Their nomination by Pambula SLSC recognises their contributions not only to surf life saving but for also giving their time and expertise to the NSW Rural Fire Service as volunteers. In an extraordinary
season, Pambula applauds the efforts these three have made in volunteering for not one, but two, emergency service organisations.
***Myril Bunt – Administrator of the Year AWARDED TO: Marcela Vitochova – Pambula
About Marcela and her roles and achievements:
Club Director of Member Administration
Streamlined the club registration process
Serves as a Patroller
Assists with Nippers
Helen Smith – Batemans Bay
About Helen and her roles and achievements:
Club Secretary
Always has a positive attitude
Serves as a Patroller
Assists with Nippers
Lynda McKay- Broulee Surfers
About Lynda and her roles and achievements:
Club Treasurer
Life Member
Member of the Building Subcommittee and helped secure almost $1million in funding
Serves as a Patroller
Assisted with Bushfire Response
Maureen Croft – Bermagui
About Maureen and her roles and achievements:
Club Treasurer
Streamlined the approach to Club finances
Bar volunteer at functions
Assisted with Bushfire Response
Volunteered on behalf of Surf Club for 2 community functions in the fire ravaged town of
*** Coach of the Year: AWARDED TO: Rob Pollock – Broulee Surfers
About Rob and his roles and achievements:
Crew is comprised of members from Broulee and Pambula clubs
Won Open Women at Interbranch
Brought new members/crew to Broulee SLSC
Assisted with the bushfire response and a first aid emergency during the George bass
Neil Innes – Batemans Bay
About Neil and his roles and achievements:
Coach of several Surfboat teams
Gold Medal in Open Men at NSW Championships
Changed program due to external impacts such as the bushfire emergency
Built and rebuilt teams
Assists with nippers
*** Trainer of the Year AWARDED TO:
Emma Prowse – Pambula
About Emma and her roles and achievements:
Club Chief Training Officer
Encourages new active members and is a positive role model
Ran a multi club Bronze medallion course
Patrol Captain
FSC Duty Officer
James Flick – Broulee Surfers
About James and his roles and achievements:
Canberra based trainer
Innovative – working on virtual training
Ran two Bronze Medallion courses this season as a probationary trainer
Achieved endorsement as a trainer
*** Team of the Year AWARDED TO:
180 Yrs. Phoenix – Batemans Bay
About the Phoenix and their roles and achievements:
Gold medallist at State Titles and 2 nd Place in Ocean Thunder
Assist with other duties in the club including assisting with Nippers
Continued to train despite adversity through bushfires and other distractions
George Bass Crews Bermagui Evacuation Centre – Pambula/Mixed Clubs
About the George Bass Crews and their roles and achievements:
Competing in Surfboat marathon which was abandoned early
Became essential workers in Evacuation Centre
Showed the Surf Life Saving ideals to save lives, create great Australians and build better
The Wombats – Broulee Surfers
About The Wombats and their roles and achievements:
1 st NSW Interbranch and South Coast Boat Series
In third position when George Bass Marathon was cut short
Assisted with bushfire recovery effort at Bermagui SLSC
Assisted with first aid emergency during Rooster River Run
**** Fergus Thomson Young Person Award AWARDED TO: Ryley Spoelder-Hanlon – Moruya
About Ryley and his roles and achievements:
Patrolling Member 52 Hrs
Gained Silver Medallion Beach Management award
Training for IRB Driver – on hold due to Covid-19
Assists with water Safety and Special Nippers

Anna Hosking – Broulee Surfers
About Anna and her roles and achievements:
Serves as a patroller with 34.5 hrs
Assists with Nipper age managers and water safety
Assisted with bushfire response passing on vital community messages and unloading
donated goods
Has responsibility for managing the patrol app when on patrol
Hannah Buchli – Bermagui
About Hannah and her roles and achievements:
Has completed 50 hours on patrol this season having only received her Bronze at end of
Helped at Bermagui evacuation centre during bushfires
Assists with Nippers water safety
Sets a great example for her peers while on patrol
*** Rookie Young Lifesaver AWARDED TO: Ruby Bichard – Pambula
About Ruby and her roles and achievements:
Patrolling Member 42.5 Hours
Provides Water Safety for Nippers and Same Wave program
Looking to do more training in 20/21 after this season was cut short
Mentor for Cadet members

Elli Beecham
About Elli and her roles and achievements:
Won U/17 and Open Women’s Flags
Patrolling Member – 59 Hrs
Role Model for Nippers and other young people in the club
Assists with Water Safety
Kyarna Boulton – Tathra
About Kyarna and her roles and achievements:
Patrolling Member 53.25 Hrs
Provides Water Safety for Nippers
Assists with coaching in swimming and board skills
Inspiration to younger female nippers
Sierra Chew – Broulee Surfers
About Sierra and her roles and achievements:
Patrolling Member 44.5 hrs
Assists with Water Safety
Selected to attend SLSNSW Youth Opportunity Makers (postponed in 2020)
Assisted with recording evacuees at Broulee Surf Club during the New Year’s Eve bushfire emergency
**** Lifesaver of the Year AWARDED TO:
Andrew Curven – Bermagui
About Andrew and his roles and achievements:
Bermagui SLSC Club Captain
FSC Branch Powercraft Co-ordinator
Over 94hrs on Patrol in 2019/20 Season
Support Operations member as RWC Operator and Drone Pilot
Slept in clubhouse for 7 nights during bushfire emergency to ensure safety of the club
Assists with Nippers and Same Wave doing water safety

Andrew Love – Pambula
About Andrew and his roles and achievements:
Club Power Craft captain
Patrolling Member – 36 Hrs
Competitor in George Bass Marathon and other events
Dual member of both Pambula SLSC and Eden Rural Fire Service
Spent 3 months at the ‘end of a hose’ during the bushfire emergency
Jess Guthrie – Batemans Bay
About Jess and her roles and achievements:
Patrolling Member – 20 Hrs
1 st year at Batemans Bay SLSC but a SLSNSW member for 13 years
Very enthusiastic member of the BBSLSC Surfboat fraternity
Assisted with bushfire emergency at Batemans Bay/ Malua Bay
Prepared meals and offered a hand wherever she could
Jon Carruthers – Narooma
About Jon and his roles and achievements:
Club President
Patrolling Member 62 hrs
Assists with Nippers
Worked with Red Cross and Narooma members during bushfire emergency
Attends working bees, events and steps in to assist where needed
Natalie Browning – Broulee Surfers
About Nat and her roles and achievements:
Patrolling member – 109.5 Hrs
Club Publicity Officer
Call Out Team member and RWC Operator
Attended the SLSNSW Strategic Leadership Program
One of the leaders of the Broulee bushfire response
Troy Burhop – Tathra
About Troy and his roles and achievements:
Patrolling Member 47.5 Hrs
Club Board and Ski Captain
Club Coach
FSC Interbranch Representative
Leadership role during bushfire emergency at Tathra Evacuation centre at the Surf Club
**** Senior Competitor of the Year AWARDED TO: Darren Drewsen Broulee SLSC ****Young Competitor of the Year AWARDED TO: Elli Beecham - Narooma SLSC *** Branch Person of the Year AWARDED TO:
Anthony Bellette – Batemans Bay
About Anthony and his roles and achievements:
Club Captain and Training Officer at Batemans Bay SLSC
Branch Duty Officer
Batemans Bay Call Out Team Co-ordinator
Instrumental in development and delivery of UAV training in FSC
Set up and ran Batemans Bay Bushfire Evacuation Centre

Carlin Stanford – Bermagui
About Carlin and her roles and achievements:
Leader of the Same Wave Disability Program at Bermagui
Assisted with Bermagui Response to the Bushfire Crisis
Took on leadership of Nippers program in the new year
Assisted with and organising BBQs and other fundraising opportunities for Nippers
Assisted Branch Teams in Search and rescue with on shore support
Glenn Bywater – Narooma
About Glenn and his roles and achievements:
Club Secretary and Hall Manager
Assists with Nippers
Runs Friday Frothys
Other rolls include Licensee, official, and assists with board training
Constantly checked on evacuees during the bushfire emergency and kept the generator
running for Surfcom
Jason Domeny – Broulee Surfers
About Jason and his roles and achievements:
Club Nippers Co-ordinator
Collaborates with Canberra based Nippers group
Provides water safety to Sunday swimmers, ocean swim and winter swimmers
Organised BBQ for Ocean Swim
Provides technical advice to the building committee
VIDEO: "To our members and their families on the Far South Coast. Thank you SO much..." Watch the full message from our President Tony Rettke. Make sure you watch until the end for a laugh.