Welcome back to Bowls
Organiser David Thomas after his lovely holiday. There were 14 social bowlers whilst other bowlers were bowling Pennants.
Winners on Rink 3, Carmel Price and Olga Geshwend. Other winning teams, Sonia Frey and Rae Fayle. Cheryl Melouney, Joan Fitzroy and Anne
O'Dwyer. Money Club winner on 10, Joan Fitzroy. David has been in touch with Julie and she is doing well, looking forward to getting back on
the green and catching up with her bowling friends. Well done to Pennant teams last Thursday and Tuesday this week who had winning scores, bad luck to those teams who didn't, sometimes the opposition teams are better on the day, best wishes next round.
Thank you to Club Tuross ladies for the beautiful morning tea which greeted us on
arrival, great country hospitality.

Above: Grade 2 Pennant players, Sue Beavan and Paula Hancock