Twelve Batemans Bay Bushwalkers had a trip out to Nerrigundah in the week to take a walk around the historical sites.Alluvial gold was found in the area during the 1860’s, starting a gold rush. The short return walk to Coman’s mine, which was opened in the 1880’s, did not disappoint us with plenty of relics to investigate including the impressive stamper battery, tram line rails and other artefacts. After donning our head torches, our leader Barry took us to investigate a nearby mine tunnel and we “enjoyed” close encounters with the resident microbats.After lunch on Mount Coman we carefully checked out several mine shafts nearby. As we returned to the forest road Ian taught how to distinguish various species of tree and a sleeping python was spotted in the afternoon sunshine.To complete the history lesson, we convoyed with a logging truck to Nerrigundah CBD to view the memorial to Miles O’Grady, the policeman who lost his life to the Clark Gang bushrangers during their robbery spree in April 1886, and then on to the site of the Chinese pig roast oven.Thanks for an excellent informative day out.Helen
Click for larger and captions from the website. Photos by Ian, Barry, Helen & Karen
**** This article first appeared on the Batemans Bay Bushwalking website
About the BATEMANS BAY BUSHWALKERS INC. First formed in 1985, we have about 200 members. We are not-for-profit and run by volunteers We are an Incorporated Association with a Constitution and a Committee to oversee administration Personal Accident, Public Liability and Associations Liability Insurance is funded by your annual subscriptions We publish 4 Walks Programs per year, with 2 walks a week of varying grades. Visitors are welcome on walks and are covered by our insurance for 3 walks per financial year Walks are led by volunteer Walk Leaders, who carry a GPS, topographic map, and when appropriate, a safety beacon. We take our safety seriously. Bushwalking is a risky business, accidents do happen, injuries do result. Each walk is graded for difficulty so that you can choose walks to suit your level of ability. Members and Visitors sign a Responsibility Waiver before each walk. We also get together for a variety of social activities and camps, but you have to be a Member to come along to those