In a media release issued this week Ann Sudmalis advises that the Liberal National Government will provide $9 million over three years through Mission Australia to help young people living with drug and alcohol addiction get their lives back on track. "Government funding will support a Triple Care Farm, 12-week holistic rehabilitation program and the development of a new 10 bed patient residential center in the Batemans Bay area. Minister for Health, Greg Hunt advises in the release that the Government is committed to supporting Australian communities in their fight against substance abuse. “We continue to invest strongly in drug and alcohol services in Australia,” Minister Hunt said. “Alcohol and drug misuse affects not just the individuals involved, but the people and communities around them.” In 2015, Member for Gilmore, Ann Sudmalis secured $2 million in federal funding to help establish the Mission Australia Triple Care Farm detox accommodation residence at Knights Hill, to compliment the rehabilitation facility already established on site. Now, following two years of lobbying for a Triple Care Farm facility in Batemans Bay, the delivery of funding builds on her commitment to supporting those at risk throughout the region. “The Governments $9 million contribution will benefit those needing help, their family, friends and the broader community,” Ms Sudmalis said. “I have seen firsthand and listened to the success stories from young people who have graduated from Triple Care Farm.” “There is every good reason to assist these young adults to get through the detox, to be nurtured through rehabilitation and to be mentored through a return to their families or into housing and work.” “The development of this facility will offer a place where young people between 16 and 24 can detox and then attend the exceptional rehabilitation program that operates at Triple Care Farm, it will help them get their lives back on track.” The team at Triple Care Farm has a proven track record in providing tailored programs and ongoing support and I hope other facilities in Australia can look at this one as a source of inspiration.” The funding commitment for Mission Australia to extend their great work with Triple Care Farm in the Batemans Bay area is a significant step. Mission Australia’s Triple Care Farm Program Manager, Gabriella Holmes said Mission Australia has long advocated for the need for more youth-specific alcohol and other drug residential rehabilitation and withdrawal services across Australia. “We welcome the Federal Government’s recognition of this need in Batemans Bay and look forward to working closely in coming months with the local community and government to develop a program to increase young people’s chances of successful recovery from alcohol and drug misuse.” These latest initiatives continue the Government’s investment in drug and alcohol treatment services, with an estimated $720 million over four years. "The Government’s strong economic management ensures the continued record investment of funding into vital health initiatives including mental health, life-saving medicines, Medicare and hospitals", said Minister Hunt.