The group Friends of Hanging Rock Incorporated have started a petition to Eurobodalla Shire Council protesting the development has been proposed to be built over the Coachhouse at Batemans Bay and are encouraging the community to inform themselves of the development. The Friends advise that the original Development Application has been amended and re submitted with some small concessions to issues local Hanging Rock residents had concerns about---height and setbacks. A Friends spokesperson told the Beagle "The very scale and appropriateness for the wider community of this development has not been addressed at all. "We have sent an email to every councillor asking that they, again, really study this amended DA and consider it’s implications for residents today and in the future. While the email sennt to councillor’s, at this stage really only address’s one of our concerns, yes a major one but principally just one---traffic. The loss of 500 tourism beds is in fact another matter of huge concern." You can find out more about the development HERE In their online petition the Friends of Hanging Rock Incorporated state: Don’t Spoil Batemans Bay! A monstrous new development has been proposed to be built over the Coachhouse at Batemans Bay, with approx 20 new buildings that are mostly 4 and 5 stories high. If approved, this will set a dangerous precedent for reshaping the types of development built in the Bay and spoil so many things we hold so dear about our little part of the coast. So unless your version of paradise is a concrete jungle with multi-storey buildings which will block the sun and views of surrounding residents, please keep reading! The proposed development will create massive traffic congestion and clear an enormous site of almost all vegetation. We are not against the right type of development in the right place, but do not want an eyesore for decades to come. Our local Council has been tipping money into its latest tourism initiative “Unspoilt Eurobodalla”. This construction should not be approved. 1. DON’T SPOIL OUR COASTLINE Developers shouldn’t be allowed to show a complete disregard for our local low-density planning laws (especially right next to the water). If this happens, it won’t be long before multi and high-rise buildings become the norm. This isn’t the Gold Coast! 2. DON’T SPOIL OUR ENVIRONMENT Developers shouldn’t ignore the environmental laws and values that make our region so special. 3. DON’T SPOIL OUR ROADS AND INCREASE TRAFFIC FLOW Developers shouldn’t propose approx 750+ car parks on Beach Road (the busiest on the South Coast) without considering the enormous bottlenecking and local traffic congestion it will cause.Developers shouldn’t be able to build a new seniors development, while proposing no parking for caravans and boats, that will obviously end up parked on, and further blocking, our local roads and streets. 4. DON’T SPOIL OUR ECONOMY Developers shouldn’t be able to override local planning laws that clearly identify this land to support tourism and instead build another seniors development that will only reduce tourist numbers and lead to more empty shops in the Bay. 5. DON’T SPOIL OUR NEIGHBOURHOODS Developers shouldn’t be able to construct 5 storey buildings directly next to single and double storey family houses, that block the sunlight, block the views, and decrease the values of surrounding properties. Development laws in an area are all about precedent. If this is approved on one part of the coast, it can be approved on another. Please click on our petition to stop this dangerous development. Better yet write a short email to council@esc.nsw.gov.au by Friday 5 April and say “Don’t Spoil Batemans Bay and don’t recommend approval in your assessment for DA 272/19."