Very soon NBRS, the appointed architects for the proposed Arts/Aquatic Centre in the Bay are due to release several design options for the community to have a say about.
Beside that site the demolition of the Batemans Bay Bowling club has begun. The old girl is going.
Dr Susan Mackenzie, President of PerfEx Performance Exhibitions Lobby Group in Batemans Bay told the Beagle "Behind blue mesh promising a better future in all sorts of ways related to the Bridge, the once social centre of the Bay is going. That ‘social centre’ has shifted, mainly to the Soldier’s Club, and we are well served by other clubs in the town, coffee shops and pubs."
"What has been missing, and it was hoped the resurrection of the Bowlo would provide this, is a cultural centre – a place for community EXPRESSION of all the skills and talents and interests of the creative and expressive side of the Bay community: the school concerts, the choirs, the dances, the Art exhibitions; the travelling and local performing Arts; the music – classical and contemporary; the TechnoArt, such as we see with the ‘VIVID’ festival in Sydney; Shakespeare on the steps; maybe a gymnastics show like CircusOZ or similar; clowns; fashion shows such as the iconic Wearable Art of the River of Art Festival; community sculptures and creative landscapes."
"All this is possible in the new facility planned for the site beside the Bowlo. Let’s make sure this exciting future happens for us all."
"In the meantime, a banner now hangs on the fence of the Bowlo as, behind it, the icon is disintegrating. If you would like to add a memory, take yourselves a texta, or maybe write on a ribbon and attach. Vale Bowlo and thankyou.” said Dr Mackenzie