Council had five senior staff positions during 2017-18. The General Manager during this period had a remuneration package of $315,000. Four Directors were employed for 2017-18. Their combined total remuneration for the financial year was $948,882. The disclosure of the General Manager's salary has been a long time coming since July 2017 when it was reported that Eurobodalla Shire Councillors gave Dr Catherine Dale a resounding endorsement at the Tuesday 13th June 2017 Council meeting when the results of her annual performance review and an extension of her contract were voted on. Council advised then that Dr Dale’s contract as General Manager had been extended for five years, commencing from 1 July 2017 with Mayor Liz Innes saying the vote "acknowledged Dr Dale’s outstanding achievements against the nine key performance indicators she was assessed on." There has been considerable consternation around Council's defiant reluctance to reveal the General Managers remuneration following notice of her contract being extended. The initial anger around this reappointment was the fact that, by her own advice, the Council meeting Agenda item for her Salary review and possible reappointment was disguised from view and the subsequent minutes were found wanting of detail or completeness. This gained Council a letter of castigation from the Office of Local Government. Council has defiantly failed to carry out the very clear directive of the Division of Local Government, Department of Premier and Cabinet Guidelines For The Appointment & Oversight Of General Managers that states in part: It is important that any decision by the governing body of council to renew a contract for the general manager and the term of that contract be reported back to an open meeting of council, together with the total amount of any salary package agreed to. and ... Any discretionary increases should be modest and in line with community expectations. All discretionary increases in remuneration, together with the reasons for the increase, must be reported to an open meeting of council. It has taken twenty months to discover that the General Manager's remuneration jumped by a staggering 6.1% from $296,866 to $315,000 - remember All discretionary increases in remuneration, together with the reasons for the increase, must be reported to an open meeting of council. That has NOT been done Up until this hefty jump in salary the General Manager was fortunate to also enjoy annual incremental rises above CPI with her salary in 2015 at $276,750, in 2016 at $283,669, in 2017 of $296,866 and now 2018 at $315,000. Well above the current Local Govt enterprise agreement for workers awards of 2.5% salary increases. Earlier this year the Mayor and Councillors also voted themselves a generous 2.5% increase with no debate at all. The NSW Local Government Remuneration Tribunal is responsible for categorising councils and determining the amounts of allowances to be paid to councillors and mayors in each category. There is normally a rise in the recommended allowance amount each year. Eurobodalla’s Mayor receives $61,430 per year and the councillors receive $19,310 per year. The Mayor also has a council car provided that is fully paid for by Council including fuel, rego and all running costs. Keeping in mind the Mayor lives in a remote rural area the costs of this vehicle for fuel and running costs are considerably more than you might find with a car locate at an urban address. All up, $215,910 paid to our Councillors and Mayor in salaries. In addition to the annual allowance, Council also covers some of the expenses incurred by councillors in the performance of their official duties. These expenses include the provision of iPads and mobile telephones, travel and accommodation, catering and other items and activities directly related to Council business.
In the alternate weeks to Council meetings, councillors attend briefing sessions with the General Manager and Executive Leadership Team. These briefings are an opportunity for councillors to receive further information to assist them in performing their role and achieving the best outcomes for the community. Four Directors were employed for 2017-18. Their combined total remuneration for the financial year was $948,882 So there you have it: The General Manager is paid $315,000 Four executive managers receive $948,882 The Mayor and Councillors cost us $326,096 Total $1,589,979 per year