Dairy farmers, processors and representative organisations are encouraged to have their say to help shape Australia's first mandatory dairy code in Bega on Monday the 19th of November.
Senator for New South Wales John Williams is urging local farmers and stakeholders to take part and help improve contracts between farmers and processors. “We need farmers and processors in the Eden-Monaro region to have their say and make sure the code will work for them and our local region,” Senator Williams said. “The code will aim to make contracts fairer, more transparent and enforce a dispute resolution process. “We all know how important the dairy industry is and this can be the first step to a better industry.” Minister for Agriculture David Littleproud said the dairy industry had come to him and requested a mandatory code of conduct.
“Consultations are the first step in the process, and the Department of Agriculture will be in Bega talking to local people about what should be in the code. The consultation will be held at the Bega Civic Centre at 11am on Monday the 19th of November.
More information about the development of the code can be found on the have your say website https://haveyoursay.agriculture.gov.au/ People can register online, email dairycode@agriculture.gov.au or phone 1300 044 940.

Mandatory dairy code of conduct The government is seeking your feedback on a mandatory code of conduct for the dairy industry.This follows a number of inquiries into the dairy industry, the most recent by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). This inquiry raised concerns about fairness and transparency in contracts between dairy farmers and processors.A mandatory code could improve contract negotiations between dairy farmers and processors and include an effective dispute resolution process. The ACCC would regulate a mandatory code.You can now share your ideas on a mandatory code. In particular, what should be included in a code and how best to address issues, such as:cooling off periods when entering and terminating contracts dispute resolution processes enforcing a mandatory code of conduct limiting exclusive supply clauses between processors and farmers prohibiting retrospective step-downs terminating contracts. To have your say: read the Mandatory code – Key consultation issues paper read the Dairy industry code of conduct – farmer to processor transaction document talk with the representatives in your region contact via phone 1300 044 940 or email dairycode@agriculture.gov.au They will be meeting with dairy stakeholders across the 8 dairying regions. This will happen in November and December 2018. Dates and locations will be published here soon. Subscribe to be updated when the dates are available.