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People with disability take control

Writer's picture: The BeagleThe Beagle

My Choice Matters will be running a free workshop for people with disabilities, their families and carers, in Batemans Bay on Wednesday 10 May talking about how to get the most out of life – but also on the more topical subject of how to get the most out of the National Disability Insurance Scheme. What: Get More Skills: A Good Life workshop When: Wednesday 10 May, 10.00am – 2.30pm Where: Club Catalina Country Club, 154 Beach Road, Batemans Bay, NSW 2536 More event information can be found here My Choice Matters sets out to empower people living with disability on the NSW South Coast to get the most out of their lives and navigate the National Disability Insurance Scheme and is conducting at a free workshop at Batemans Bay on Wednesday 10 May.

My Choice Matters is an independent organisation working with people with disability to live life their way and get the most out of the changing disability system. The NDIS will completely shift the way disability support is provided across Australia. People will have an opportunity to receive individualised support and funding, which is a significant change from the current system. However in order to take full advantage of the NDIS, people with disability, their family members and carers will need to think in advance and prepare for their planning meetings.

This not only requires new skills and knowledge, but also new thinking and confidence. This is where My Choice Matters comes in. Our goal is to help people learn and practice new ways of doing things and develop and grow skills in three key areas: choice, voice and control – three very important qualities people should have in their own lives.

Our Get More Skills: A Good Life workshop facilitators discuss the NDIS, and how setting goals can help participants make the most of the new system. We provide practical hands-on activities and take home tools. Workshops are free and open to anyone with a disability or who is a family member or carer, and we are able to supply interpreters, personal care and other assistance to make them as accessible as possible.

Facilitator Ann Murphy is excited to be travelling to Batemans Bay to run the workshop. Travelling all around the state she sees first-hand the benefits people are experiencing from being better informed about the NDIS, options and plans, and forming their personal goals.

“We give people the chance to really think about their lives and the things that are important to them as individuals, rather than just what is ‘on offer.’ They start considering hopes and dreams that they had put to the side due to a lack of opportunities. People leave the workshops feeling they have a practical starting point and that they know how to move forward towards a good life,” Ann says.

To register for a workshop visit the events page on our website or call 1800 144 653.

For more information or to organise an interview with a workshop facilitator or guest speaker please contact Communications Officer Angus Hohenboken on 0447313205 or email

Please note that workshop is not run by the NDIS - My Choice Matters is an independent non-government organisation and the workshops are very interactive, rather than being straightforward information sessions. They are very helpful for people who are confused about the new system.

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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