Of a field of 93 we saw 41 First Timers today enjoying the course and the backdrop of Batemans Bay under an overcast Saturday morning sky perfect for a run. Congratulations to Phillip CORLIS of the Campbelltown Joggers completing the alternative course in 19:16. First female across the line was Emily FISHER of YMCA of Canberra Runners Club in 22:04 Well done to this week's PB'ers. Done on a hard alternative course:
Neville Madden Harrison Gilligan Greg Leach Huxley Jensen Brock Gilligan Anna Hutchinson Tracy Denning Tara Lorensini Sabina Wojtkiewicz Julia Brooks-Helms Lisa Robbins Kate Halton Lyn Benn We are very grateful to the volunteers who made this event happen: Gary ASHTON, Amryn CARNALL, Peter COUNSELL, Roy COUNSELL, Gavin MACKAY, Stephen PHIPPS, Cara YOUNG
Today's results have been emailed out however for a more detailed view of yours' and your fellow parkrunners history click on the link below:

Come along to Rotary Park to celebrate our 1st birthday. Walk or run our 5km course and earn birthday cake credits which can be redeemed at the finish line!