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  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle

Have your say on Eurobodalla’s community plan

Eurobodalla Council is asking the community to provide feedback on its draft Community Strategic Plan, now on public exhibition until 9 May 2017.

Reviewed every four years at the beginning of each new Council term, the plan describes the community’s vision for a friendly, responsible, thriving and proud Eurobodalla.

Mayor Liz Innes says the Community Strategic Plan is a roadmap for the future that outlines how Council, government agencies, the community and the business sector can best work together to achieve a strong, vibrant and diverse community.

“We’re asking the community and in particular those who contributed during the preparation of the draft to think about how the plan describes where we want to be, how we will get there, who can help and how its success will be tracked.”

Eurobodalla residents and businesses were involved in the development of the draft Plan, sharing their ideas through surveys, a photo competition, information stalls and a community roundtable held throughout December and January.

The draft plan identifies nine outcomes: strong communities, desirable lifestyle; celebrated creativity, culture and learning; protected and valued natural environment; sustainable living; vibrant and diverse economy; responsible and balanced development; connected and accessible places; collaborative and engaged community; innovative and proactive leadership.

Thirty-four strategies outline how Council will go about achieving the vision and stated outcomes.

Feedback and submissions about the Community Strategic Plan can be made by sending an email or letter to Council.

Feedback received will be included in a report to Council for consideration before the final plan is endorsed by councillors, probably in June.

The draft plan can be viewed on the ‘Have your say – Public Exhibition’ page of Council’s website and printed copies are available to read at the Batemans Bay, Moruya and Narooma libraries and Council’s customer service centre in Moruya. Feedback and submissions can be made using the website online feedback form or by emailing or writing to Council.

To find it on the website, type ‘have your say’ into the search bar or click the ‘Have your say’ icon on the home page of or go to

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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