The Batemans Bay Chamber of Commerce are having a very close look at the major issues affecting local business in the Eurobodalla and is conducting village sessions where local businesses can come along and voice their concerns.
Last night saw the first meeting at Maloneys Beach and issues that came to the for were: - The NBN is all but useless and internet access for business on the south coast is pathetic with unpredicable speed from 25Mb to fullstop. These speeds are also found to be unaccepatbale to visitors and it is further exacerbated during peak tourism times. The meetings and their discussions will all go toward the final strategy document the Bay Chamber will present to Council and the Combined Chambers. In the meantime local businesses are invited to JOIN IN THE CONVERSATION and have your say. Your Business and Tourism Chamber invites you to come and join in the conversation for building a better Batemans Bay. Recently we have seen significant positive activity in Batemans Bay; Councils Bowling Club acquisition, Street Scaping and Banaconda’s and private sector investment. Let’s continue these community driven outcomes. This is an opportunity for community and business to come together and create a plan for better Tourism and Business outcomes. WHO SHOULD ATTEND: • Small businesses - Self employed or just a small team? You are the heart of our region and we would like to support your business to help it grow. • Community groups - You are providing the support for local people and businesses we need. • Local People - If you are interested in the future of Batemans Bay and would like to be part of the vision, then we would like to hear from you. OUR VILLAGE MEETINGS WILL BE AT: Maloneys Beach, Long Beach, South Durras and Surfside Monday 7th November 5.30pm to 6.30pm Venue: Maloneys Beach Cafe Nelligen Tuesday 8th November 5.30pm to 6.30pm Venue: Big 4 Nelligen Holiday Park Batehaven, Catalina Wednesday 9th November 5.30pm to 6.30pm Venue: Corrigans Cove Resort Sunshine Bay, Surf Beach, Denhams Beach Thursday 10th November 5.30pm to 6.30pm Venue: Surf Beach Take Away Malua Bay, Lilli Pilli, Rosedale and Guerrilla Bay Friday 11th November 5.30pm to 6.30pm Venue: Club Malua on Sylvan Street Batemans Bay Monday 14th November 5.30pm to 6.30pm Venue: Community Centre.