Dear Beagle Editor,
What future for the so-called “Nature Coast’’?
Will it be a a retirement village inhabited by citizens who come here to escape the turmoil and crowding of the cities and wish to live in harmony with nature?
Perhaps “Suburbia by the Sea” with families, affordable housing, schools, hospitals, houses, parks, schools and shops.
It could become a playground of the rich, with expensive restaurants, and grand holiday homes.
Maybe a tourist destination with artificial natural attractions enhanced by entertainment venues and souvenir shops.
Or will it become a combination of all things that results in the largely undeveloped region of the Dalmeny/Narooma region becoming another “Gold Coast” from which the conservationists and small village lovers wish to escape?
All this can be made possible by a local council which has responsibility for far more than roads, rates, bridges and taxes, and which has already made the decision to bulldoze large areas of bushland for housing development.
Times have changed and our unique flora and fauna are at risk. Will the new council to be elected on the 4th December give more consideration to the natural world on which we all ultimately depend, and protect areas of natural bush that provide vital animal habitat and are good for the soul. Elect councillors who will protect our natural environment and SAVE THE TREES.
Susan Cruttenden