Red Cross currently have seniors in the area who would welcome a volunteer visitor.
The Community Visitors Scheme matches lonely isolated seniors with a volunteer visitor who shares similar interests, hobbies or backgrounds for the purpose of friendship. If you have a little time to spare each week to brighten the life of someone in your local community, please get in touch.
For further information please contact Belinda Rowe on 0472 973 690 or apply online here:
Community Visitor Scheme Volunteer -Eurobodalla
Apply now Role no: 498439
Availability: Business hours, Evenings, Mornings, Weekends
Time involved: 1 - 4 hours per week
Location: Regional NSW
Minimum 1 hour per Fortnight
Ongoing Position
Join the World’s largest humanitarian network
The program
Red Cross supports elderly members of the community to be more independent, to improve their wellbeing and social connection, and to remain living in their local community. We do this by matching volunteers with an older person who lives in aged care or at home and experiences social isolation.
The opportunity
This role suits someone over the age of 18 who is a good listener and can commit to one hour a fortnight for a social visit where you might chat together, reminisce, listen to music, read the newspaper or play card games.
The impact
As a Community Visitor, you’ll brighten the life of someone suffering vulnerability by offering them company and friendship. Red Cross will ensure you have training, ongoing support and access to other opportunities within the World’s largest humanitarian network.
Further Information
To find out more about this opportunity please refer to the volunteer role description VRD CVS Eurobodalla Aug 2022.pdf or contact Belinda Rowe on 0472973690 .
Red Cross strives to create a safe and inclusive culture with wellbeing at its centre. We embrace diversity and welcome Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and people with different lived experiences, abilities, gender, ethnicity, age, and sexual orientation. We are a child safe organisation with zero tolerance of any harm to children. Our vision is to be trusted as the leading humanitarian organisation making a genuine difference in the lives of people and communities.
Thank you for considering volunteering at Red Cross. We also have great career opportunities. Click here to find out more.
Applications close: 18 Nov 2022 AUS Eastern Daylight Time
SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION Tell us about yourself along with any skills and experience you can bring to Red Cross by completing an online application.
MEET WITH US Have a chat with us about the volunteer role you have applied for and see whether it’s a good match for you and for us.
COMPLETE SOME CHECKS If you are successful in getting the role we’ll ask you to complete a Police Check. In some cases a Working With Children Check may also be required.
GET STARTED! At this stage, it’s time for your induction and training as you’re now an official Red Cross Volunteer.