FINALLY everything is falling into place and we can once again hold a variety concert.
As the name suggests, all kinds of acts will be performing.
The Baby Boomers were the first to accept my invitation. Appropriately named, they will do their fabulous sing and dance acts.
Their acceptance was followed closely by the U3A Singers, who always bring life and vigour to any concert they are involved in. Paul Marshall has recovered in time to make an appearance bringing his gorgeous voice to the party.
Try and keep him away; he loves to sing
On a more frivolous note, Dick and Meredith have agreed to do some poems and skits, and I’m telling tales of the sea [well boats anyway]. We weren’t very good at sailing, but we did try. For the grand finale everyone will participate with the U3A Singers leading us in a lively singalong. Now that should warm the cockles of our hearts, hmm?
It’s always fun, and in midwinter what better way to spend Sunday afternoon?
Be there. 2pm Sunday 30 th July
Kay Killick