On Thursday 30 June 60 members of U3A Batemans Bay gathered to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the incorporation of the organisation.
This celebration took the form of a High Tea at the CWA Hall in Batehaven, and the CWA ladies lived up to their reputation and certainly did us proud. The food was absolutely delicious, as CWA food always is, and they even provided some French maids to serve it. (Commercial; CWA is always available for similar events.)
A very special Life Membership was awarded to Course Co-ordinator Christina Sweeney, who was almost singlehandedly responsible for steering the organisation through the Covid crisis, and keeping classes going throughout. As the only U3A in our region that managed to do this we owe Chris a lot.
U3A Batemans Bay began with a meeting in the Fire Shed at Long Beach in 1997 and it was very pleasing to see that a number of members who were present at that first meeting are still part of the organisation today.
Four former presidents took part in the celebrations. Jennifer Brewster read an extract from the Canterbury Tales, which was first read at the 10th anniversary celebrations and sums up U3A perfectly- and gladly wolde he lerne and gladly teche." which describes the ideal U3A member who both attends classes as well as teaches some.
Ainslie Morris, who now holds the lowest badge number, spoke of her time as the first Course Coordinator, persuading those who had joined up to share their skills and passions with others. Kay Killick reported, that after failing miserably at the Orchid Club, it was an absolute joy to find an organisation of kindred spirits, many of whom who have become close friends.
Margaret McClintock closed the formal part of the proceedings by reading messages from absent friends who fondly remembered their time with U3A Batemans Bay.
U3A, (University of the Third Age), is a world wide organisation which provides affordable learning opportunities for its members. U3A Batemans Bay commences its Semester2 classes on 17 July. The program can be found online at www.u3abbay.u3anet.org,au or in local libraries. The new members fee of $40 pa allows attendance at all classes’.
For further information contact Membership Coordinator Maureen O’Brien on maures56@gmail.com or 0419 586 072.