On what was a relatively warm but nonetheless windy morning, 55 players registered for the Tuross Head Vets 2 Person Ambrose event on Wednesday 28 July 2021. Winners on the day were the combination of Steve Collins and Frank Pomfret with a nett score of 32.25 for the nine holes played. They were followed home by the teams of Greg Bush and David Williams, and brothers Peter and Paul Coffey with scores of 32.5, and then Solveig Olsson and Ken Brown with a score of 32.75.
Minor prizes were awarded to Ian and Jeanette Miller with 33.25, Annette Manton and Peter McRae on 33.5, Graham Moore and Des Jackson with 33.5, Peg Nevett and Derek Hoare on 33.75, and finally Rob Nash and Greg Smith with a score of 35.
Nearest the Pins went to Des Jackson with his hole in one on the 4th, Ken Brown on the 6th, and to Chris Wratten and Steve Collins on the 7th. Don Russell took out the Accuracy drive award.