Tuross Head bowlers held their annual Presentation Day on Tuesday 16th November.
The bowlers enjoyed a game of bowls on a lovely sunny day. A feature of the day is the game played by the two Presidents’ chosen sides. This year it was won by the women. Following the games everyone enjoyed a delightful lunch, provided by Jack’s kitchen.
The tables, decorated by Cheryl McRae and helper Pam Mazzucchelli looked very smart.
During lunch, bowlers enjoyed a slide show with highlights of the events of 2021. Despite the disruption of COVID, most major bowls championship events were able to be played.
MC for the day, Women’s Bowls Secretary Irene Macdonald welcomed all bowlers to the celebratory event. Following lunch, Presidents Doreen Monks and Col Fletcher gave short speeches before presenting the following members with their awards.
Doreen mentioned the sad passing of long term bowler and Women’s Patron – June Everett who died in Sydney in September aged 94.
Major Singles Women’s Champion - Rita Downie
Major Singles Women’s runner- up – Margaret Downey
Major Singles Men’s Champion - Peter Macdonald
Major Singles Men’s runner- up- Noel Downie
Minor Singles Women’s Champion - Lorraine Johnston
Minor Singles Women’s runner- up – Kathy Gallacher
Minor Singles Men’s Champion - Marcel Kors
Minor Singles Men’s runner- up- Lou Kozlik
Major Pairs Women’s Champions - Irene Macdonald and Denise Lidbury
Major Pairs Women’s runners- up – Sue Fahey and Doreen Monks
Major Pairs Men’s Champions - John Fahey and Joel Hilliard
Major Pairs Men’s runners- up –Ray Downey and Peter Macdonald
Major Triples Women’s Champions – Sue Fahey, Margaret Downey and Rita Downie
Major Triples Women’s Runners-up – Irene Macdonald, Rose Farrington and Doreen Monks
Major Triples Men’s Champions –Peter Macdonald, Joel Hilliard and John Fahey
Major Triples Men’s Runners-up – Col Fletcher, Des Jackson and Marcel Kors
Mixed Pairs Champions - Pat and John Wagstaff
Mixed Pairs Runners- up- Bruce and Denise Lidbury
The Women’s Consistency competition is in progress. Sue Fahey and Denise Lidbury will play off this week in the final- a match not to be missed.
Events to be enjoyed in the next few weeks before Christmas break-up are a combined Ham Day ( nominated Triples) this Wednesday, a combined Christmas Fun day on Tuesday 14th December and another Christmas Ham Day on 18th December.
Women’s Bowls will recommence on 11th January.
We would welcome any new bowlers to our social bowls. Women play on Tuesdays, men on Wednesdays and Fridays and a fun event, “ barefoot bowls /sizzlers” on Sunday mornings.
Contacts: Secretaries:
Irene Macdonald M: 0411756554
Ian Wratten M: 0479177686

Above: The Presidents' teams