Golfer played in very adverse conditions during the week fine tuning their game in preparation for the annual Club Championships and Medal of Medal award which will be held over the weekend of November 5th and 6th. Shane Geshwend was the winner of the Saturday stableford competition and Nick Brice won the Golden Shot Award for the closest second shot on the par 4 second hole.
Tuross Head Country Club men’s golf Saturday October 22 2022
Prize Winners
Shane Geschwend 33 stableford points
Ron Rogers 31 “
Graeme Bell 31 “
Paul Medwin 31 “
Richard Wharton 30 “
Ball Winners
Nick Brice 30, Bruce Handley 29, Jim Madden 29, Stephen Gardner 28, John Phyland 28,
Stephen Swanbury 28, Steve Johnston 28, Wayne Fullerton 27, Trevor Jones 26, Peter Coffee 26,
Paul Pereira 26, Tony Brown 26, Brad Doolan 26, Ian Manton 26, Reg Apps 26, Darrell Kildey 24 ,
Colin Houghton 24, Peter Garn 23, Allan Gannon 22, Greg Booth 22, Ray Bollard 21, Peter Hogan 18, Bruce Cleeve 17 and Martin Booth 15.
Nearest the Pins
A grade: Brad Doolan 4th, Nick Brice 6th and Colin Houghton 7th.
B grade: Ron Rogers 4th.
C grade: Peter Garn 4th.
Golden Shot Jackpot Winner Nick Brice 0.75m.
Tuross Country Club Thursday October 20 medley competition
Prize Winners
Al Gannon 40 stableford points, Ian McManus 39, Jim Wade 38, Colin Houghton 38 and
Allan Langford 37 point.
Nearest the Pin
4th hole Darryl Kildey 1.30m
6th hole Col Houghton 1.26 m
7th hole Ruth Gschwend 1.88m
Above: Thursday medley competitor Allan Langford receives award from vice captain Nigel Barling.
Photo: Courtesy Tony Brown