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Tomakin Twist Tops Bowls Report July 9th 2021

Writer's picture: The BeagleThe Beagle

By Tricia Wheeler President Steven Hogan welcomed 28 keen bowlers to Sunday morning on the green for two hours, before heading indoors to Harry's Bar for 2021 AGM.

Above: Peter Crumpton and Patrick Wheelahan Steven opened AGM with his annual report which was very heartfelt as all sadly missing John Booth a friend, fellow bowler and committee member. Treasurer Tony Birmingham gave his report followed by yours truly. The year has been very successful even though at times very hard with restrictions in place due to the Pandemic but everyone is doing the right thing. Board Director Faye Connor thanked all Twisties for their patronage each Sunday and said what a pleasure it was to welcome them each week. Faye as Returning Officer declared all committee positions vacant. President Steven Hogan , Vice-President Terry Montgomerie, Secretary Jennie Hogan , Treasurer Tony Birmingham and committee member Barrie Stone all elected unopposed. I would like to welcome two new committee members who were elected, Tony Dobson and Dick Morley, also thanking them for taking on these positions and joining our fabulous Twist Tops Committee. Due to work commitments Henry Butler has had to retire from committee , I would like to say a special thank you to him for the years he has been on committee. A delicious luncheon was enjoyed by all present following AGM. Everyone welcome to Sunday Twist Tops, come along and bowl to some great music, lots of fun and friendship . To register , 4474 7019.


The Twist Tops play bowls every Sunday morning. It is a great fun morning with no serious competition involved.

We have old time music being played to keep everyone in a relaxed and happy mood. The winners on the day are not necessarily the best bowlers as we have a card draw to determine the lucky people.

There is a sheet on the Twist Tops notice board to put your names on or you can phone in by 8:00 am on the Sunday morning. The number is 44747 019. Bowls start at 8:45 am. New bowlers with minimal experience are also catered for and made welcome.

So feel free to join us for a fun filled Sunday morning.

We have a great committee who are only too happy to help any visitors and make them feel welcome.

For any further assistance please feel free to contact the President, Stephen Hogan (Hoge) on 0447 183 211 or Vice President, John Booth (Boothy) on 0409 015 850.

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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