Another beautiful Sunday morning of sunshine for 30 Twisties on the green. Welcome to Trevor Innes AKA Magpie, hope you enjoyed your morning. Barrie Stone welcomed everyone before sticks were selected for positions. Winners were those with Lowest Losing Margin, -1 , Roz Greenhalgh and Rob Handley.
Runners-up, -3, Ruth Ebsworth and Peter Edwards. Rob selected Rink 7 to try for Jackpot of $306, Smoothie cut the cards but no luck, he could only come up with Jack of Diamonds, but was 1 off theJoker.
Other winning teams, Peter Crowe and Kane Malone. Karen Crowe and Sally Malone.Tricia Wheeler and Jo Miles. Mark and Val Toyer with Janet Smith. Alma Gurtner and Brian Wheeler. Laurie Masterson and Karen James. Ute Krook and Ross Miller .Lucky number winners, 7, Ute Krook , 30 Val and Mark Toyer.
Congratulations to Jo Miles who took position of Skip for the first time and played a fantastic game. Barrie had earlier mentioned the reason she was selected to play Skip was because she had her photo recently in the Press after winning Tomakin Ladies Championship Pairs with M-in-Law Mary Handley.

Winners - Roz Greenhalgh and Rob Handley