President Steven Hogan welcomed 32 bowlers on Sunday as well as visitors Melinda and David O'Keefe from Canberra. Good news that Monty and Flo are both doing well which is great to hear. Membership of Twist Tops is now due and AGM will be held on Sunday 10th July @ 8.45am before we bowl.
Birthday greetings to Karen James for 25th, ANZAC Day, yours truly on 26th.
Award this week went to Val Toyer, she was too busy to put her name and son Mark's down , I might add it was Mark that put her in, not very nice Mark !!
Winners were those on Highest Losing Margin, Tricia Wheeler, Robyn Best and Roland Krikowa.
Runners-up, Roz Greenhalgh and Brian Wheeler.
Roland selected Rink 11 to try for Jackpot, losing Skip Karen Signor cut the cards and was 1 off the Joker, a good thing as there is not much money in kitty.
Other winning teams, David Daverin, Margaret Carney and Karen James. Laurie Masterson, Janet Smith, Ross Miller. Ruth Ebsworth and Tony Dobson. David O'Keefe and Jennie Hogan.
John Signor and Smiley McGregor.
Judy Hancock and Phil Rollinson .
Marlou Rollinson and Tony Birmingham.
Lucky number, 6, Karen James , 31 , Kane Malone.
Everyone welcome to Sunday Twist Tops, lots of fun and friendship.

Winners, Tricia Wheeler and Roland Krikowa