A total of 880 tests were conducted in the Eurobodalla from Saturday 18 July to Monday 20
July 2020 (to 5pm), with 608 recorded at Batemans Bay Hanging Rock Pop-up Clinic and
272 at the Moruya Assessment Clinic. The District worked with Eurobodalla Shire Council to
provide temporary lighting on Monday night to allow the Hanging Rock clinical crew to work
into the evening. There were NIL new cases of COVID-19 recorded in SNSWLHD in the past 24 hours Southern NSW Local Health District (SNSWLHD) has praised members of the Eurobodalla
community who have turned out for COVID-19 testing, following the recent positive cases
linked to the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club.
More than 22 000 tests have been carried out across the Southern NSW Local Health
District, with 4 568 carried out in the Eurobodalla Shire and 3 824 in the Bega Valley Shire
Southern NSW Local Health District is continuing to ask all patrons and staff who were at the
Batemans Bay Soldiers Club on Monday 13 July, Wednesday 15 July, Thursday 16 July and
Friday 17 July, to immediately be tested for COVID-19 and self-isolate for 14 days, regardless of symptoms.

To ensure people can get tested quickly, SNSWLHD will continue testing in Batemans Bay
through the COVID-19 Pop-up clinic at the Hanging Rock Oval Car Park (near the function
centre) on Beach Road, Batemans Bay.
The clinic will be open from daily from 9:00am to 5:00pm until further notice. Extra staff and
assessment stations will be on hand to deal with the increased testing demand, traffic flow
and the recording of information.
The planned COVID-19 Assessment Clinic at Malua Bay this Thursday has been moved to
the Hanging Rock Oval Carpark, to help consolidate the testing process for local residents in one central location.
While the testing hours at Moruya Hospital have also changed to daily 9:00am to 5:00pm;
and will be extended daily depending on demand.
SNSWLHD is urging anyone feeling unwell – even with the mildest of symptoms such as a
runny nose, scratchy throat cough, fever, shortness of breath, headache, sore throat,
tiredness, loss of taste/smell, nausea, diarrhoea or muscle aches – to self-isolate and seek
COVID-19 testing, so cases in the community are identified as quickly as possible.
Even if they test negative, they should remain in isolation for the full 14 days, and should be
tested again if they develop symptoms of COVID-19. Guidance for self-isolation for close
contacts is available at https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/factsheets/Pages/advice-
for-contacts.aspx The need for scheduled appointments across many of the District’s COVID-19 testing sites
has been removed. Callers to the SNSWLHD 1800 999 880 COVID line will be provided with
information on testing eligibility and clinic times and locations.
These sites include Goulburn Base Hospital, Queanbeyan District Hospital, Eurobodalla
Health Service (Moruya), South East Regional Hospital, Cooma District Hospital, Jindabyne
Clinic and Yass District Hospital.
Also included are the ‘Pop-up’ clinics at Hanging Rock, Merimbula and Crookwell. This
information is also available at www.snswlhd.health.nsw.gov.au. A number of our smaller
COVID testing sites will still be by appointment only (Pambula Hospital, Bombala MPS,
Eden, Perisher and Thredbo) – call 1800 999 880 (option 2).
It remains essential that everyone maintains social distancing and good hygiene to minimise
the risk of spread between people. There are steps we can take to protect ourselves and
loved ones:
- If you have even mild symptoms, a cold or cough, get tested and stay home until
you’re cleared.
- Keep your distance from others at all times even if you are well.
- If you have been in Victoria, don’t mix with other people until two weeks has
People can unwittingly pass it to others if they are incubating the infection or have very mild
symptoms, so we all need to be very careful and practise hand hygiene and maintain social
distancing by keeping at least 1.5m away from other people.
For the latest, up to date information head

South Coast Pix captured this image of the queue at Hanging rock yesterday morning.