Moruya River
Rain, rain and more rain! With over 150mm recorded at the airport this month alone, more in some areas, the rivers are running as would be expected, High and Dirty!!!! With burnt trees, logs, ash and general debris choking the system, we are looking at least week or two before things start to clear up, and that’s if we don’t get more substantial rain.
As for the fishing, it’s going to be tough with all the fresh coming down. But once the river clears, it should be red hot!!
Tuross River
This system will be the same as Moruya for a few weeks. The up side of all the water coming down is that the mouth has once again properly opened back up. Once the waters reside and clear up, the system will start fishing really well. Perfect timing for the Tuross Head Flathead and Bream competition coming up March 6-8th. If you are interested, look up Tuross Head Flathead and Bream Tournament on Facebook.
Rock & Beach
Rock fishing for the next week will need to be closely monitored as tropical cyclone Uesi makes it way down the eastern sea board. This will bring large swells which will make rock fishing quite hazardous. It will also have the effect for stirring everything up and bringing on a good bite.
Beach fishing is going to be the best option for this week, with beaches not adjacent to the 3 major rivers being your best bet. These beaches will be, for the most part relatively free from washed out debris and should hold cleaner clearer water. For best chance use oily baits such as pilchards, mullet fillet or tuna fillet on paternoster rigs.
With the swell starting to reside from heights of 5m last Monday and soon to be increasing from the effects of tropical cyclone Uesi, boating has been on hold. Once things clear up though, the fishing should be really good. There is nothing like a good shake up to get things firing. Just remember to keep an eye out for floating obstacles. Trees to 20m long have been reported floating around out to sea!!
Things on the whole are looking up for March - once the weather settles, the swell abates, and the water clears up, we should be in for some fun on the fishing front!!!
Tight lines my friends and remember “every day’s a good day for fishing … “
Team Tackle World Moruya