Moruya River.
This weeks report is a day early to allow all those visiting the area to get the good oil ready for fishing tomorrow.
With good breezes and sunny days the wet ground is quickly starting to dry up. This will make for much more comfortable conditions leading into the Easter this weekend.
The river is however, unfortunately still running on the dirty side.
My advise for all those families wanting to get out and fish this weekend, is to try the areas around the airport on the north side of the river, and Preddy’s wharf on the south side. Oily baits of mullet fillet will be the best option with the kids this weekend. One , it is very pick resistant, which means mum or dad will spend less time rebaiting hooks, and being oily, it has a good inbuilt attractant.
Expect to still be able to find flathead, bream and Trevally in all these areas. Tide wise, the top half of run in tide will allow for cleaner ocean currents to push into the river, making conditions better for finding a fish or two.
Tuross River.
Tuross is in a similar condition to Moruya this weekend, it does have a much larger mouth at present, which is allowing for a bigger turn over rate of dirty water. This will mean it will clear up faster than Moruya. Tuross will be fishing best from the main boat ramp round to the boat sheds and even up to four ways this weekend. Flathead, bream trevally and Luderick can all be encountered in this lower half of the river areas. Mullet fillet for the flathead and bream, while worms , nippers will work for the trevally and Luderick.
The middle to upper areas will still be very dirty, making finding fish difficult to say the least.
Rock and Beach.
Salmon and tailor are readily available on most beaches this week, with a few good drummer off of the rocks. Moruya break wall has been continuing to produce fish, with bream, trevally, flathead salmon and tailor all being taken from the wall this week. I have heard reports of bonito further south, and with the warm waters currently around, there is a better than average chance of finding one of these speedsters off the rock platforms.
Snapper, flathead, mowong, and gummies have all been reported from the local reefs and sand patches. We can expect that this trend will continue this weekend. If you are getting out in the boat this weekend, be aware that there still is a lot of suspended debris floating offshore. Keep an eagle eye out and stay safe.
We are open all Easter weekend, with no closed days at all. So if you need anything this weekend, someone will be here to help you out with all your fishing, camping and boating needs.
Don’t forget our website at
Stay safe everyone and remember, “every day’s a good day for fishing”