Eligibility: Incorporated not-for-profit community organisations, with an ABN, based in Gilmore.
Purpose: for small capital projects that improve local communities and community participation.
Amount: $2,500 - $20,000 and with a maximum grant of up to 50% of the total project cost.
Due date: 9 September 2019
Further information: https://www.business.gov.au/assistance/stronger-communities-programme
The Stronger Communities Grants Program provides grants of between $2,500 and $20,000 to eligible community groups in my electorate of Gilmore for projects and equipment that improve community participation and contribute to our community.
To be eligible an applicant must be incorporated with a current Australian Business Number (ABN) and:
A local governing body;
A community based not-for-profit organisation in its own right, that is not owned by a State or Territory.
Examples of projects that may be funded include:
Fit-out of community centres
Bike Paths
Sporting Facility Upgrades
Purchase of equipment for local
RFS Solar panel installation
Please note you must provide supporting documentation to show that you will be matching the grant amount dollar-for dollar with other funding or in kind.
More Information about the Stronger Community Grants Programme is available at https://www.business.gov.au/assistance/stronger-communities-programme