The St Cecilia Youth Music Scholarships have traditionally been awarded at a concert closest to the birth of St Cecilia in late November. However this year due to COVID restrictions we have moved the concert to Sunday 5 December 2021 commencing at 3.00pm at St Bernard’s church David Street, Batehaven. Tickets are available at the door – $10 adults. Persons 18 years and below free. It is hoped many of St Cecilia's supporters take this opportunity to listen to performances from their award recipients. Applications for the scholarship program are now being accepted online here. List of finalists
Darcy Coppin (Moruya), singing
O'Shea Clohesy (Broulee), piano
Amelie Ziino (Merimbula), violin
Chantelle Bennett (Tathra), violin
Alyssa Gould (Bega), violin
Damia O'Loughlin (Broulee), clarinet
Maxine Wilson (Surf Beach), piano
Kaitlyn Lenihan (Kianga), singing
Josh Vanzetti (Long Beach), piano
Sam Peate (Tuross Head), guitar and singing
Kalani Scognamiglio (Catalina), recorder

Maxine Wilson....Surf Beach...piano

Damia O'Loughlin.....Broulee...clarinet

O'Shea Clohesy....Broulee .. piano