The July 31st 2023 Shoalhaven City Council meeting voted on a Notice of Motion to Advocate for the Conversion of Compartment 50A, North Brooman Forest to Preserved Forest Area The recommendation was: That Council:
1. Recognises that “Big Spotty”, 72m tall Spotted Gum (Corymbia Maculata), is the tallest of its species in the world, and supports the need to protect Big Spotty and its surrounding landscape.
2. Advocates to the NSW Government for the urgent need to convert compartment 50A in North Brooman State Forest into the appropriate Forestry Management Zone (e.g. Preserved Forest Area) that will ensure it remains protected in perpetuity.
3. Writes, in such advocacy by the end of August, to:
a. The Hon. Chris Minns MP, Premier of NSW, the Hon. Penny Sharpe Minister for the Environment, Energy and Climate Change, the Hon. Tara Moriarty Minister for Agriculture, the Hon. John Graham Minister for Jobs and Tourism, and the Hon. Courtney Houssos Minister for Finance and Natural Resources.
b. The Liza Butler MP, Member for South Coast
c. The Hon. Mark Speakman, Leader of Opposition
d. The Greens spokesperson for forests, Sue Higginson MLC.
e. CEO of NSW Forestry, Anshul Chaudhary
f. The board of directors of NSW Forestry; Ms Stefanie Loader (Chair), Ms Mary Verschuer, Mr Matthew Sexton, Mr Rob de Fegely AM, Ms Linda Sewell, Mr Anshul Chaudhary.
When it came to the vote the Minutes reflect:
That Council:
1. Recognises that “Big Spotty”, 72m tall Spotted Gum (Corymbia Maculata), is the tallest of its species in the world, and supports the need to protect Big Spotty and its surrounding landscape.
2. Advocates to the NSW Government for the urgent need to convert compartment 50A in North Brooman State Forest into the appropriate Forestry Management Zone (e.g. Preserved Forest Area) that will ensure it remains protected in perpetuity.
3. Writes, in such advocacy by the end of August, to:
a. The Hon. Chris Minns MP, Premier of NSW, the Hon. Penny Sharpe Minister for the Environment, Energy and Climate Change, the Hon. Tara Moriarty Minister for Agriculture, the Hon. John Graham Minister for Jobs and Tourism, the Hon. Courtney Houssos Minister for Finance and Natural Resources and the Hon Tanya Plibersek MP, Minister for Environment and Water.
b. The Liza Butler MP, Member for South Coast
c. The Hon. Mark Speakman, Leader of Opposition
d. The Greens spokesperson for forests, Sue Higginson MLC.
e. CEO of NSW Forestry, Anshul Chaudhary
f. The board of directors of NSW Forestry; Ms Stefanie Loader (Chair), Ms Mary Verschuer, Mr Matthew Sexton, Mr Rob de Fegely AM, Ms Linda Sewell, Mr Anshul Chaudhary.
FOR: Clr Findley, Clr Kotlash, Clr Boyd, Clr Norris, Clr D'Ath, Clr Ell, Clr Christen, Clr White, Clr Wells, Clr Watson and Clr Gray
AGAINST: Clr Copley and Clr Kitchener