For many years now Quota Club Narooma has been supporting Narooma Public School with a speech intervention support program. This involves funding a Speech Therapist to assess students with these needs, and then provide individual programs for the students.
We are very lucky to have Claire Price from South Coast Speech Pathology, administer the assessments and provide the programs. Janine Malec, Learning Support Teacher at NPS coordinates the program, working with Claire and other school support staff. The school has placed a focus on investing in students’ speech intervention, by providing staff to implement the programs. Early in the year Quota also made funds available for Claire to present a staff development session, so staff involved in this program could be upskilled.
Several Quota members recently visited NPS to observe the program in action. We saw students and staff thoroughly enjoying the activities, within a wonderful learning environment. We are so pleased that we can support this speech program.
So remember, when you buy raffle tickets from us at Club Narooma, or attend one of our functions, some of those $s go towards supporting our local school students.
Each year we usually run a street stall in Narooma to raise funds for the speech intervention program. However, that hasn’t been possible for the last few years.
But this year, it’s back!
Visit us ‘On the Flat’ in front of IGA Narooma on Thursday 15th September.
Come and buy some home cooked goodies and support our local Speech Program.