The South East saw a visit today from member for Gilmore, Fiona Phillips MP and NSW Opposition Leader Jodi McKay MP as they made their way south speaking with locals in Shoalhaven and the Eurobodalla about health and the state of the region's hospitals. Both regions are looking to promised new infrastructure, requiring the funding commitments made to be forthcoming. Community concerns are being voiced today were that the interim period will see a continuation of sub-standard resourcing, ever reducing budgets and under-staffing until the new hospitals are complete. The annual SNSWLHD Board Annual Public Meeting heard from several speakers voicing their concerns for the short term commitment to improve services reminding the Board of the Petition accepted by the Member for Bega in October 2018 Speakers indicated that the first element of the petition and the most important one has been all but ignored. # 1 - Provide immediate improvement to the Accident & Emergency, Critical Care and Perioperative services of the Eurobodalla Shire by funding and upgrading the existing infrastructure and workforce.