ON THE AGENDA for Council Meeting Tuesday 7 November 2022
Responses from Ministers to advocacy letters, including zombie developments, native forest logging, worker housing for state projects.
Petition to defer resealing of Barkala Street and Coastal Court in Dalmeny until stormwater issues are fixed.
Council to apply to become Crown Land manager of land on the Bay waterfront and around Mogo Trails for better coordination.
PUBLIC ACCESS @ 9.30am – speak to councillors about any topic. Register to speak by 12pm Monday - contact 4474 1358 or council.meeting@esc.nsw.gov.au
PUBLIC FORUM @ 10.30am – speak to councillors about matters on the agenda. Register to speak by 12pm Monday - contact 4474 1358 or council.meeting@esc.nsw.gov.au
Join in the Council Chamber or watch the webcast. Full agenda and online viewing here > www.esc.nsw.gov.au/meetings