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  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle

ON THE AGENDA for Council Meeting Tuesday 28 February 2023

ON THE AGENDA for Council Meeting Tuesday 28 February 2023 There are no speakers for Public Access.

  • There is one speaker for Public Forum, starting at 10.30am, regarding the Sculpture for Clyde event – join us in the Chamber or watch online Council meeting webcasts - Eurobodalla Shire Council (

Join in the Council Chamber or watch the webcast. Full agenda, public forum and public access info, plus online viewing here >

A proposal to change Council meetings from fortnightly to monthly, bring Public Forum into each meeting as an agenda item, and hold Public Access once each month rather than twice Council advises in their agenda that Public Access and Public Forum sessions would be reduced to once per month rather than twice. It is proposed that Public Forum form part of the Council Meeting, held at the start prior to Council reports, and will be recorded in the meetings’ minutes. Public Forum will be required to be added to the order of business for Ordinary Council meetings It will be the recommendation that the amended Draft Code of Meeting Practice be placed on public exhibition for a period of not less than 42 days from 1 March 2023 to 11 April 2023. Read more HERE

How Council is tracking halfway through it's annual to-do list (operational plan) + quarterly budget review NOTE: Council now report on the Bay Pavilion as a single entitity to allow ratepayers to see the performance of the facility reflected in Council's accounts . Council advises: The original 2022-23 budget forecast a $3.24 million operating deficit for The Bay Pavilions. The September review included budget variations for revenue and variations relating to insurance and increased electricity expenditure. There were no variations for the December quarter. As a result of the quarterly budget variations, the forecast operating deficit is $4 million.

Sculpture for Clyde event funding proposal The purpose of this report is to advise that Council has been approached by the organiser for the Sculpture for Clyde event to be recognized as a hallmark event and to be given funding of $40,000 for one year. At a briefing and presentation to the Council on February 7 a request was made for $40,000 for year 1 and then $20,000 per year for three years following. This request has now been revised to a one-off request for $40,000 for this FY only. The Eurobodalla Event Strategy 2019-2024 (Event Strategy) supports the development of two hallmark events for the Eurobodalla Shire. Under the current Events Strategy and Framework, funding and support is limited to two hallmark events, with support being $20,000 per year for three years. Council advise that the hallmark event funding is intended to support established events in the Eurobodalla to grow and reach a sustainable level, with a focus on developing destination events into hallmark events. A decision to provide funding will be a departure from the current policy, and additional funding will need to be found. The Sculpture of Clyde event is not established in the Shire having been held in Shoalhaven for the past three years. Council concludes in their report : Sculpture for Clyde Event has not been held in the Shire for several years. This makes it difficult to evaluate the event against the Hallmark criteria. Hallmark event funding has historically been granted to two well established events in the Eurobodalla, with over ten years of development, growth, and ability to demonstrate their capability to meet the key attributes There is insufficient funding in the current event support budget to fund the event to the tune of $40,000 for this FY. Council could match the $8000 already awarded to the event with another $12,000 should it wish to support the return of the event to the waterfront. Read more HERE


1 commentaire

Membre inconnu
26 févr. 2023

P14 of ESC Agenda refers to concern about unsustainable long term deficits. Is this the genesis of a SRV. The local mood seems to be , go for large increases, This is supported by a local MHR, former mayor who quietly presided over a long term deterioration in Bega finances. All 9 Bega Councillors backed their recent outrageous submission to IPART. What is going on at ESC , are our Councillors being softened up for a swim with the tide event.? A lot of the community may be more favourably disposed to axes , not taxes. Are things happening quietly in our Council also.? Are staff or councillors concerned about the state of the books at th…


NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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