Southern NSW Local Health District (SNSWLHD) has confirmed no new reported cases
identified within the District @ 8pm, 28 April, 2020.
NSW Health’s daily COVID 19 update is released here.
The district is currently planning to facilitate an increase the availability of testing across
the region. More information will be provided soon.
NSW Health recommends anyone with any mild respiratory symptoms or
unexplained fever should be tested for COVID-19.
COVID-19 symptoms include:
Runny nose;
Aches and pains
Tiredness (fatigue);
Sore throat;
Shortness of breath.
Southern NSW Local Health District has established COVID-19 Testing Centres and
temporary pop-up clinics throughout the District, so those with symptoms may be tested
and treated quickly.
Any one heading to an assessment centre MUST call the SNSWLHD Central Intake
Service – 1800 999 880 (option 1) before attending.
For the latest, up to date information head