Monday, 29th August eight ladies competed in a medley stroke event to qualify for singles match play.
All ladies qualified and the overall winner was Janice Eardley with a winning score of 68 off handicap of 28.
Balls to 73
Fourteen ladies competed in a medley stableford event.
The overall winner was Mary Young with a fabulous score of 40 off handicap of 32. Second place went to Heather McMillian also with a fabulous score of 39 C/B off handicap of 30. Balls to 32 C/B
Nearest to pin
Hole. 17, Div 2. Nicole Harris
Wednesday 31st August, 31 ladies competed in a stableford event.
Div 1; 1-28. Div 2; 29-45
Grade A Winners
Bec Smart with a score of 36 C/B off handicap of 17
Dorelle Monteith with a score of 36 C/B off handicap of 17
Grade B Winners
Ris Cheale with a score of 39 off handicap of 35
Marion Brooks with a score of 38 off handicap of 29
Balls to 34
Nearest to pin
Hole 3, Div 2 Helen Ellis
Hole 14, Div 3 Margaret Brown
Hole 17, Div 1 Dorelle Monteith