Monday 8th August Narooma ladies had 20 entrants in a medley stableford event.
Two divisions: Div 1 0-28; Div 2 29-45
Division one winner was Julie Blessington with a great score of 38 off handicap of 21
Division two winner was Vicky Connaughton also with a great score of 37 C/B
Balls to 35
Nearest to pin.
Hole 9 Pam Shepherd Div 3
Hole 14 Julie Blessington Div 1
Hole 17 Jan Boxsell Div 2
Wednesday 10th August 33 entrants competed in a 4BBB Stableford NSW Bowl
The overall winners were Moira Richards and Tracey Mitchell with a score of 48. Very close behind was Chris Hendra and Maddie Robinson with a score of 47
Balls to 43 C/B