On Monday 11th July only 21 entrants competed in the medley stableford. Two divisions: Div 1 0-23; Div 2 24-45
Division one winner was Mitchell Stirling from Moruya Golf Club who posted a great score of 40 off handicap of 11.
Division two winner was Tina Wilson who also posted a great score of 37 off handicap of 23. Balls to 31 OCB.
Wednesday 13th July 30 ladies competed in a stableford Grandmothers Trophy & Bridget Jones event.
Two divisions: Div 1 0-31; Div 2 32-45
Division one winner was Tracey Mitchell who posted a score of 36 off handicap of 17. Runner up was Di Wilkes who posted a score of 34 off handicap of 20.
Division two winner was Maddie Robinson who posted a score of 37 off handicap of 32. Runner up was Chris Hendra who posted a score of 34 off handicap of 31. Balls to 30 OCB.
Maddie Robinson was the winner of the Grandmother trophy and Moira Richards won the Bridget Jones trophy.
Nearest to pin:
Tania Burr Hole 3, Div 3
Tina Wilson Hole 14, Div 1
Chris Hendra. Hole 17, Div 2
Great score on the day went to Jenny McIntyre who scored an eagle on the 10th hole.