Monday 4th July, a very small field of Narooma ladies played a medley stableford. The overall winner was Janice Eardley with a score of 33 off handicap of 33. Balls to 27 OCB.
Wednesday 6th July, 26 ladies competed in a stableford event. Two divisions: Div 1-0-27, Div 2-28-45
Div 1 winner was Kay Lawrence who posted a score of 35 off handicap of 19. Runner up was Di Wilkes with a score of 34 OCB off handicap of 20
Div 2 winner was Helen Ellis who posted a great score of 41 off handicap of 33. Runner up was Trish James with 34 OCB off handicap of 30.
Balls to 33 OCB
Nearest to pin:
Hole 3, Div 3 Ris Cheale
Hole 14, Div 1 Kay Lawrence
Hole 17, Div 2 Marion Brooks