At the August meeting Narooma CWA celebrated 89 years of activity in town.
The Ellinor McNabb CWA member of the year was announced and this year it was Sally James, current branch secretary and past State Vice-President.
If you like light-hearted entertainment, learning about other countries (this year PNG), a bite of lunch, come and join with CWA members from branches in the Far South Coast Group.
This Monday 19th Aug at Quaama hall with starting at 10am, with cover charge $15 and raffle. Or come along at 1pm on Weds 21st to Narooma CWA Hall to enjoy the International afternoon with display, speakers and an inspired afternoon tea about Australia’s nearest neighbour PNG.
Need more info/transport ring Sally James 4476-1691 or text/ring Jo King 0408433178

Above: August Birthday girls Marion Cullen and Margaret Doyle cutting CWA Narooma branch 89th birthday cake.