Julie Janson's latest book, Maduka The River Serpent, is about to arrive at Moruya Books
Maduka The River Serpent is a striking novel about family and resistance from Australian Darug Burruberongal writer and playwright Julie Janson.
Back exert:
Aunty June is the proud owner of a TAFE certificate III in Investigative Services.
It took her thirty hours to complete online.
Now, she has set up her own private investigation service: Yanakirri Investigative Services : Confidentiality Guaranteed.
When environmental activist, Thommo, suddenly goes missing and the police ignore the case Aunty June takes it upon herself to uncover the secrets surrounding her nephew, Thommo's, disappearance. Corruption, commercial cotton farmers, bikies, racism, water theft, and unreliable local police, Aunty June is really up against it.
Lies and corruption are hiding the truth from reaching the surface. And the Murray Darling River is running out of water. Aunty June may be out of her depths, but nothing will stop her fighting for her people and her land.
Moruya Books invites you to a Literary Lunch with Julie Janson.
It will be held at the Waterfront Hotel in Moruya on Thursday the 1st of December at 12pm. $25 a head, booking are essential as no walk-ins will be accepted. call 44742242 to book.