The official outcome of the Eden Monaro election is still undeclared however at the 11th hour and 59th minute of counting (Tue, 07 Jul 2020 5:40:11 PM AEST) Kristy McBain (Labor)
was in a lead of 814 votes.

The election saw eligible electors:114,244 with a turnout of 86.86% and an informality vote of 6.75%. The Shooters and Fishers were in a good position for the donkey vote and the 44,000 postal votes and pre-polls were much higher than first anticipated .
To see how your town or party voted visit

Above: Kristy McBain posted on 5 July at 14:04 "I'm pleased and honoured to be elected the next Member for Eden-Monaro. To the people of Eden-Monaro – thank you. I won't let you down."