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  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle

In case you missed todays South Coast ASA meeting

The South Coast Australian Shareholders Association (ASA) Discussion Group meets for a share education and discussion meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. For enquiries, please phone 0419612401 Bill Radley, Convenor of the South Coast ASA Discussion Group said of today's (14th September 2022) "We had a great online meeting today for the South Coast ASA discussion group, with 20 people attending.

"For the other 60 plus people I have on my email list who missed the meeting, here is what you missed.

"We had a great discussion on our individual investment journey - how we started investing, how we invest, and the struggle we each have in knowing what to buy, when to buy and when to sell. We discussed a number of strategies that people use. A great learning experience.

"We had a great presentation by Terry on a number of important 'indicator' minerals stocks - copper, gold, nickel - and the bellwether stocks that can be a good indicator for where the mining stocks are heading, and where the general stock market is heading.

"We had a look at the charts for all the major indices on the Aussie stock market, which ones are doing well, which are just wandering along, and which are doing surprisingly well. We also had a look at the charts for a number of stocks that are doing very well in the last few months, despite the uncertainty of the general market.

"And in between all this we had lots of general chatter about the challenges and triumphs of our group of small investors.

"Sound interesting? We do this every month - online, where you can participate from the comfort of our home

"If you haven't been to one of our online meetings, and the above items seem interesting, we would love to see you at an online monthly meeting in the near future.

"I send out an email to everyone about a week prior to each monthly meeting (2nd Wednesday of each month, 2.00pm). To participate, all you need to do is reply to the email and I will send you the Zoom link a day or two prior to the meeting.

"If you missed this meeting, we hope to see you soon."


NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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