Congratulations to Harrison McKee on winning this year’s Quota Club Narooma Student of the Year Quest held at Club Narooma on Saturday. Coming a close second was Stephanie Ovington. Both students are in Year 10 at Narooma High School.
Also performing well were Allyssa Jolly from Batemans Bay High School and Lincoln McLeod-Scott from Narooma High School.
After being interviewed by the judges, who scored the students on their general knowledge, citizenship contributions and leadership potential, the students spoke on a prepared topic for four minutes, followed by a one-minute ad lib speech.
Harrison showed himself to be a very skilled speaker as he outlined how the next chapter in the Snowy Hydro scheme, Snowy 2.0, will become increasingly important as climate change impacts our continent. Stephanie capably analysed how women in lower-paying work were more negatively impacted by the Covid 19 pandemic. Lincoln spoke comfortably about dementia, opening and closing his speech with quotes from his favourite author Terry Pratchett, who had Alzheimer’s Disease. Allyssa gave a gutsy performance in tackling a confronting topic, the sexual objectification of women.
The difficult task of judging the contest was expertly handled by Lynda Ord, Bob Aston and Susan Pryke. Lynda Ord gave the judges’ remarks, noting that the contestants handled difficult questions well and had a wonderful grasp of the issues impacting the world, the nation, and our local community. Listening to them filled her with hope, she said.
Carol Mead, Chair of the Student of the Year committee, presented contestants with participation gifts and certificates. Harrison received the winner’s trophy and $500 prize, while Stephanie took home the runner-up shield and $250.
Quota Club Narooma once again thanks Club Narooma and Georgie’s Fine Jewellery for their assistance with the Student of the Year Quest.
Pictured with the judges Susan Pryke, Lynda Ord and Bob Aston are contestants in Quota Club Narooma’s Student of the Year Quest: Harrison McKee, Stephanie Ovington, Allyssa Jolly and Lincoln McLeod-Scott.
Winners! Stephanie Ovington (runner-up) and Harrison McKee (winner) pose in front of the Quota Narooma sign after Saturday’s Student of the Year Quest.