Fire Up Cobargo Rebuild Festival's event organiser, Kathryn Doolin, told The Beagle "We are very honoured and proud to have Reg Mombassa design our Fire Up Cobargo Rebuild Festival artwork, we sent Reg an email in January explaining the devastation the far south coast of NSW has seen this bushfire season and he very quickly made contact and generously donated the artwork to Cobargo and the festival.
"We are so thrilled to have his artwork and for us we feel it is his way of being apart of our community, we feel it is a fantastic representation of our circumstances and honoured to have a world wide artist on our doorstep.
"Fire Up Cobargo Rebuild Festival is a three day music and art festival showcasing what the Far South Coast has to offer and it is all about bringing people back to the Far South Coast. We want to pay our respect to all the people on the ground and services who were here on the front line of this devastating time.
"We must stick together and make our communities unbreakable.Together we can heal."

Above: Get out your Mambo Shirt’s and if you don’t have one, here’s one the start to the collection!! Keep up to date HERE