Transport for NSW is hosting Facebook Live events for community consultation about the Pacific Highway upgrade project next week.
Community members are invited to log into the following online Q&A events on Monday 6 April:
Monday 6 April, 11.30am-12pm
Jervis Bay Road intersection
Monday 6 April, 12.30pm-1pm
Milton Ulladulla bypass
Monday 6 April, 1.30pm-2pm
Moruya bypass
Click on “Going” in the Event box near the top of the NSW Roads page and a live video feed will open up on the timeline when the session commences.
You can write questions and comments in the discussion area beneath the video feed while the live stream is taking place and Transport for NSW will try to get these answered by our experts during the session.
If Transport for NSW are unable to get to your question during the session, contact us on 1800 719 759 or and we will answer your questions through those channels.
The community has until Monday 13 April to have their say.