EuroSCUG has been helping seniors to master technology since 2008. A number of us have been on the committee since the first AGM and are looking forward to mentoring others to take our places.
We are also now faced with new challenges, moving away from PCs, and onto Phones and Tablets. If you have mastered your handheld devices, you might like to join our organisation to help others who are still learning. We do not need experts, just someone who has a bit of confidence. Unlike PCs, there are so many different types of handheld devices, that it often comes down to one on one assistance, and this is where you can help.
We meet at the Moruya Golf Club at 10am on the first Wednesday of each month, and Local Area Groups meet regularly in Batemans Bay, Tuross and Narooma as well as in Moruya. Hands on phone and tablet groups, both Apple and Android, are held on the first Friday of each month at the Moruya Golf Club. Details of all group meeting times can be found on our website. Visitors are most welcome to attend any meeting to see if the group is right for them.
During March we offered a very successful free four session course on Google Apps and plan another short course very soon, this time focussing on PCs
Each meeting starts promptly at 10:00am but everybody is asked to arrive by 9.45 at the latest so that Covid-19 registration and administrative tasks can be carried out beforehand.
On April 6, at the conclusion of the AGM, following an extended morning tea, there will be two small group sessions, one entitled Tricks For PCs and the other covering all aspects of photo editing and storage. This is also where you can ask our resident photo expert for individual assistance and advice. Additionally, there will be two Help Desks, which offer one-on-one help on all devices, both Android and Apple.
For more information visit our website at, or phone 0491 608 077 or visit our stall a the Seniors Expo at the Batemans Bay Library on Saturday 2 April from 10 am.

Above: John Allen and Mike Hitchcock at the EuroSCUG Help Desk

Charmaine presenting Useful Apps for iPads