Local Computer Group EuroSCUG holds monthly meetings on the first Wednesday of the month at Moruya Golf Club.
Generally, these meetings begin with a guest speaker, followed by a morning tea break allowing ample time for members to socialise.
After morning tea, members join small groups which cover computer related topics, often using tablets and mobile phones. A Help Desk is available to sort out problems.
At the June meeting, Tricia Kay, Honorary Curator of the Wallace Herbarium at the Eurobodalla Regional Botanic, gave a fascinating presentation on the history of the herbarium. The herbarium, established in 1987, is a heritage listed collection of dried plant specimens collected from our region, several of which are only found it the local area. Fortunately, it survived the 2019 bushfires and it is currently being digitally updated by volunteers, who use digital microscopes, web sites such as iNaturalist and Atlas of Living Australia, and apps including Google lens and Plant net to confirm the accuracy of entries.
In July, the guest speaker was Rob Ingram, from Seniors Rights Service (SRS). This service advocates for over 65s as a community legal service, covering matters such as homecare packages, human rights, retirement villages, and guardianship issues. It is free and confidential. Rob explained the difference between a Power of Attorney and an Enduring Power of Attorney, and spoke about elder abuse. which can include financial, physical or mental abuse, or neglect or use of drug restraint in nursing homes.
He showed members how to navigate their way through the maze of aged care services, including government services such as My Aged Care. Other services provided by the SRS can open up communications between clients and carers, and help with systemic challenges, especially during Covid. Assistance with End-of-Life planning, and Advanced Care can also be provided.
Recently EuroSCUG held a Short Apps Course, covering Google Photos, Snap Seed, Calendar, and Google Keep. This proved very popular and follow up sessions have been conducted.
At the next meeting, on Wednesday 3rd August, the guest speaker will be Geoffrey Clarke from Marine Rescue. He will describe the developments in electronic navigation and communication systems used by Marine Rescue NSW to locate distresses vessels and their crews to bring them to safety in accordance with its mission of “saving lives on the water”, managing searches and caring for any injured people.
After morning tea, there will be a presentation on “Taming” Windows 11with tips and tricks, a Q & A session, a Beginners session, and a Help Desk.
Visitors are always welcome to attend a meeting to see how the group operates.
For further information, visit our website, www.euroscug.org.au or phone 0491608077.